De aseemea, europarlamentarii cer abolirea secretului bancar si desfiintarea paradisurilor fiscale. In plus, bunurile confiscate de la persoanele condamnate pentru astfel de fapte de coruptie urmeaza a fi folosite in scopuri sociale.
Holdingurile si filialele sale ar urma sa fie obligate sa ramburseze subventiile primite de la stat in cazul in care comit infractiuni de acest gen, potrivit comunicatului postat pe site-ul comisiei.
In propunerile europarlamentarilor se regaseste si introducerea de noi infractiuni in cazul manipularii pariurilor sportive, "o importanta sursa de venituri pentru criminalitatea europeana". De asemenea, cumpararea de voturi ar trebui considerata infractiune chiar daca beneficiul nu este tangibil.
Comisia speciala a fost infiintata in martie 2012 pentru a analiza impactul activitatilor de tip mafiot asupra economiei si societatii europene si pentru a propune masuri legislative pentru a raspunde acestui tip de amenintari.
Eurodeputatul Ioan Enciu, care a amendat raportul cu 11 amendamente, toate fiind adoptate de Comisie, precizeaza, intr-un comunicat remis HotNews.ro, ca acest raport va fi supus votului plenului Parlamentului European in prima sedinta din luna octombrie.
De notat ca si Comisia Europeana a propus, in luna iulie, infiintarea unui Parchet European care sa aiba competente in cazul fraudarii fondurilor Uniunii.
6 comentarii:
"Nu trebuie sa renuntam sa exercitam presiuni asupra Greciei pentru derularea reformelor convenite", a afimat Merkel, dupa ce Uniunea Crestin-Democrata (CDU) si CSU (partid bavarez infratit cu CDU) au obtinut o victorie covarsitoare in alegeri, potrivit cotidianului elen Kathimerini, citat de Mediafax.
De asemenea, Merkel a insistat ca a spus adevarul in privinta situatiei Greciei si a posibilitatii ca tara sa aiba nevoie de un al treilea pachet de ajutor financiar extern.
"Nu este o chestiune noua si a fost abordata repetat in timpul campaniei electorale", a spus Merkel, adaugand ca ministrul de Finante, Wolfgang Schaeuble, a ridicat problema in fata unei comisii parlamentare in noiembrie anul trecut.
Merkel a obtinut un sprijin coplesitor din partea populatiei si ar putea inregista cel mai bun scor electoral de la victoria lui Helmut Kohl in primele alegeri de dupa reunificarea din 1990.
Citeste mai mult: http://www.wall-street.ro/articol/International/154499/grecii-nu-scapa-de-merkel-cancelarul-german-promite-presiuni-pentru-implementarea-reformelor.html#ixzz2fn67WuPv
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Compania de transport feroviar de marfă deținută de statul român, al cărei proces de privatizare se află pe ultima sută de metri, ar putea să rămână în ograda statului.
Anunțul a fost făcut de fostul ministru al transporturilor, Relu Fenechiu, demisionat din funcţie din cauză că a fost găsit vinovat pentru fapte de corupţie, scrie economica.net
Potrivit sursei citate, motivul invocat de fostul ministru, care a venit cu această ipoteză, ar fi că în ultimele două luni CFR Marfă a făcut profit operațional.
„În iulie şi august CFR Marfă a făcut profit, circa 15 milioane de lei în fiecare lună, iar în septembrie va fi chiar mai mult. Este vorba de profit operaţional, nu net, dar gândiţi-vă ce înseamnă asta pentru o companie care pierdea constant, de ani de zile”, arată Fenechiu fără a preciza de unde are informaţiile, mai scrie economica.net
„Dacă pică această privatizare, atunci procedurile se pot relua. Sau se poate decide că CFR Marfă nu se mai privatizează acum, că face şi profit”, a declarat acesta.
Greece threatened with demotion, again
FTSE Group, the stock market index company, has again threatened to expel Greece from its list of Developed Markets, and rank it as an Advanced Emerging market.
In its Annual Country Classification Review, published this afternoon, FTSE said it was leaving Greece on its Watch List, for yet another year. Greece was first placed on Watch for a possible downgrade in 2006.
•Argentina: Possible demotion from Frontier
•China ‘A’ Share: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Greece: Possible demotion from Developed to Advanced Emerging
•Kazakhstan: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Kuwait: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Mongolia: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Morocco: Possible demotion from Secondary Emerging to Frontier
•Poland: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
•Qatar: Possible promotion from Frontier to Secondary Emerging
•Taiwan: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
Morocco and Qatar are new entries, while Ukraine has been booted off the list. It had been lined up for "possible promotion to Frontier market status", but FTSE is now worried about:
...continuing delays in market developments and no timelines as to when the market developments regarding regulatory oversight, capital controls, treatment of minority shareholders and settlement will be implemented.
Greece threatened with demotion, again
FTSE Group, the stock market index company, has again threatened to expel Greece from its list of Developed Markets, and rank it as an Advanced Emerging market.
In its Annual Country Classification Review, published this afternoon, FTSE said it was leaving Greece on its Watch List, for yet another year. Greece was first placed on Watch for a possible downgrade in 2006.
•Argentina: Possible demotion from Frontier
•China ‘A’ Share: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Greece: Possible demotion from Developed to Advanced Emerging
•Kazakhstan: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Kuwait: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Mongolia: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Morocco: Possible demotion from Secondary Emerging to Frontier
•Poland: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
•Qatar: Possible promotion from Frontier to Secondary Emerging
•Taiwan: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
Morocco and Qatar are new entries, while Ukraine has been booted off the list. It had been lined up for "possible promotion to Frontier market status", but FTSE is now worried about:
...continuing delays in market developments and no timelines as to when the market developments regarding regulatory oversight, capital controls, treatment of minority shareholders and settlement will be implemented.
Greece threatened with demotion, again
FTSE Group, the stock market index company, has again threatened to expel Greece from its list of Developed Markets, and rank it as an Advanced Emerging market.
In its Annual Country Classification Review, published this afternoon, FTSE said it was leaving Greece on its Watch List, for yet another year. Greece was first placed on Watch for a possible downgrade in 2006.
•Argentina: Possible demotion from Frontier
•China ‘A’ Share: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Greece: Possible demotion from Developed to Advanced Emerging
•Kazakhstan: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Kuwait: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Mongolia: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Morocco: Possible demotion from Secondary Emerging to Frontier
•Poland: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
•Qatar: Possible promotion from Frontier to Secondary Emerging
•Taiwan: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
Morocco and Qatar are new entries, while Ukraine has been booted off the list. It had been lined up for "possible promotion to Frontier market status", but FTSE is now worried about:
...continuing delays in market developments and no timelines as to when the market developments regarding regulatory oversight, capital controls, treatment of minority shareholders and settlement will be implemented.
Greece threatened with demotion, again
FTSE Group, the stock market index company, has again threatened to expel Greece from its list of Developed Markets, and rank it as an Advanced Emerging market.
In its Annual Country Classification Review, published this afternoon, FTSE said it was leaving Greece on its Watch List, for yet another year. Greece was first placed on Watch for a possible downgrade in 2006.
•Argentina: Possible demotion from Frontier
•China ‘A’ Share: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Greece: Possible demotion from Developed to Advanced Emerging
•Kazakhstan: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Kuwait: Possible inclusion as Secondary Emerging
•Mongolia: Possible inclusion as Frontier
•Morocco: Possible demotion from Secondary Emerging to Frontier
•Poland: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
•Qatar: Possible promotion from Frontier to Secondary Emerging
•Taiwan: Possible promotion from Advanced Emerging to Developed
Morocco and Qatar are new entries, while Ukraine has been booted off the list. It had been lined up for "possible promotion to Frontier market status", but FTSE is now worried about:
...continuing delays in market developments and no timelines as to when the market developments regarding regulatory oversight, capital controls, treatment of minority shareholders and settlement will be implemented.
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