Astfel, instanţa a casat sentinţa din ianuarie prin care Adrian Năstase a fost condamnat la doi ani de închisoare cu executare şi, în rejudecare, a schimbat încadrarea juridică a faptei de care este acuzat, respectiv a înlăturat forma continuată a infracţiunii.
Pentru noua infracţiune reţinută în cazul lui Năstase, judecătorii au hotărât ca fostul premier să fie condamnat tot la doi ani de închisoare cu executare.
Adrian Năstase, care a fost condamnat miercuri la doi
ani de închisoare cu executare în dosarul "Trofeul calităţii", va rămâne în istoria Europei drept unul dintre foarte puţinii
foşti premieri de pe continent care au primit o asemenea sentinţă. Cel mai
cunoscut caz este acela al Iuliei Timoşenko, fosta şefă a executivului
ucrainean, condamnată în octombrie 2011 la şapte ani de închisoare cu executare
şi la plata a 188 de milioane de dolari sub formă de despăgubiri acordate
statului. Timoşenko a fost găsită vinovată de abuz de putere şi înaltă
trădare, în celebra afacere a gazelor ruseşti, un proces pe care comunitatea
internaţională încă îl contestă, pe motiv că ar fi o răzbunare politică. Fostul
premier ucrainean a făcut apel, dar nu a avut câştig de cauză. Dosarul gazelor
ruseşti se referă la contractul semnat de Naftogaz, compania de gaz din Ucraina,
cu ruşii de la Gazprom.....Ex-premierul Adrian Nastase, condamnat miercuri definitiv la doi ani de inchisoare cu executare, a incercat sa se sinucida in momentul in care doi reprezentanti ai Politiei au venit pentru a-l ridica de la resedinta sa din strada Zambaccian. Parchetul General a anuntat ca a deschis o investigatie legata de tentativa de suicid. Adrian Nastase a fost dus cu o ambulanta la Spitalul Floreasca.
4 comentarii:
Acum o zi ULTIMA ORA Adrian Nastase a incercat sa se sinucida - comunicat al Parchetului general. Nastase e la Spitalul de Urgenta, glontul i-a ramas in git. Medicul care il opereaza e Serban Bradisteanu. Ponta, la spital: "Ma gindesc daca Basescu e fericit acum". Avocatul Ion Cazacu: "Nastase e constient, e ok"
Angela Merkel is poised to allow the eurozone's €750bn (£605bn) bailout fund to buy up the bonds of crisis-hit governments in a desperate effort to drive down borrowing costs for Spain and Italy and prevent the single currency from imploding.
Germany has long opposed allowing the eurozone's rescue fund, the European Financial Stability Facility, to lend directly to troubled eurozone countries, fearing that Berlin would end up paying the bill, and the beneficiaries would escape the strict conditions imposed on Greece, Portugal and Ireland.
But Merkel has come under intense pressure as financial markets have pushed up borrowing costs for Spain to levels that many analysts see as unsustainable.
Analysts are likely to see the decision as the first step towards sharing the burden of troubled countries' debts across the single currency's 17 members, though it falls short of the collective loans or "eurobonds" proposed by the European commission president, José Manuel Barroso.
A spokeswoman for Merkel said: "Nothing has been decided yet."
The proposal was discussed on the margins of the two-day G20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico, which has been dominated by the depressing impact of the eurozone crisis on the world economy.
G20 officials believe an announcement could be made by the leaders of the eurozone in the next few days, but stressed they remained unclear as to timing and precise content.
Vasile Blaga îşi va înregistra moţiunea cu care va candida la şefia PDL, astăzi, cu o jumătate de oră înaintea expirării termenului de depunere a candidaturilor, relatează sursele de presă. Blaga va ţine o conferinţă de presă după depunerea oficială a candidaturii. Democrat liberalii au programat pe 30 iunie o Convenţie extraordinară pentru a-şi alege o nouă conducere.
A new coalition government has been announced in Greece, as eurozone finance ministers met in Luxembourg.
In a surprise move, Vassilis Rapanos, a renowned economist with a radical past as an anti-junta activist, was given the post of finance minister.
With the country's future in the eurozone hanging in the balance despite the elevation to power of pro-European parties in Athens, Rapanos's appointment was greeted with enthusiasm.
"He's absolutely right for the post, he's one of the best we have," said Pandelis Kapsis, a prominent political commentator who served as spokesman for the emergency administration lead by Lucas Papademos until last month.
"As chairman of the National Bank of Greece he knows how the banking system works but he also has a great deal of experience and knowledge of our country's public finances," Kapsis said.
The cabinet's appointment was met with relief among Greeks exhausted by weeks of political paralysis since inconclusive elections in May. On Sunday the centre-right New Democracy party came out on top in fresh elections but failed to clinch an outright majority.
Under intense pressure from foreign lenders keeping the economy afloat, Greece's squabbling political elite put differences aside to create a three-party alliance led by the conservatives under the new prime minister, Antonis Samaras.
The 38-strong cabinet was dominated by New Democrats after its two minority partners, Pasok and Democratic Left, agreed their MPs would support the government but not participate in it.
With the exception of 13 technocrats, including Rapanos, who were appointed at the behest of the junior parties, all were well-known conservative politicians. In an attempt to allay fears that the government marked a return to the old order, several members were young and untried.
Samaras, who was to convene the cabinet's first meeting after a swearing-in ceremony, said he expected the administration would be long-lived and fulfil its four-year term. He faces a high-wire act of appeasing Greeks who despair of austerity measures and meeting the commitments Athens has signed up to in exchange for financial assistance.
Berlin, which has bankrolled most of the two bailout programmes that have propped up the Greek economy since May 2010, has made clear that punishing reforms will have to be made if Athens is to continue receiving funds. Foreign creditors have called on Greece to enact €12bn in further spending cuts next month.
All three parties in the new government want to renegotiate the bailout accord, once again putting Greece on a potential collision course with creditors. Officials said Giorgos Zanias, the outgoing finance minister who represented Greece at Thursday's euro group meeting in Luxembourg, would raise the issue of amending the austerity measures, citing fears of a descent into social chaos and collapse if Greeks are pushed too hard.
Dimitris Keridis, professor of political science at Panteion University in Athens, said: "The secret to this government surviving will be trust among the three partners. If they fragment the only beneficiary will be [the main opposition] Syriza. It won't be easy in a political culture that is not used to coalitions and in a country that faces such tough decisions."
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